Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent 1:1. 1 December 2013

by Teaching Pastor Eric Thompson

The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
It shall come to pass in the latter days
that the mountain of the house of the Lord
shall be established as the highest of the mountains,
and shall be lifted up above the hills;
and all the nations shall flow to it,
Isaiah 2:1-3a

     Nine times in the Old Testament a prophet uses the phrase "It shall [or shall not] come to pass." We would like to think that we can make things happen, to be as we would like them to be or as we think they should. However, we often do not succeed in our plans.
     What the prophets are telling the people of God, beside the specific thing that is foretold, is that they worship a God whose plans are never pushed aside. He never fails. Whatever he determines to do will be done. Therefore the prophets relay a message of absolute confidence: "It shall come to pass."
     God has determined a certain outcome to the whole story of creation and humanity. Even when the promised outcome seems impossible from our current vantage point we can rest assured that it will come to pass. It may seem as though the wisdom of God doesn't hold much sway in our world. However, there is coming a day when the nations will seek out the wisdom and instruction of our God because it will have proven to be true, right, just, and beautiful, far above anything else that ever held itself up to be any of these. It shall come to pass.

Take some time to consider the following questions. Perhaps it would be helpful to record your responses in a journal.
     What are some of the struggles, situations, or difficulties that seem impossible to change?  Even if these circumstances did not change, would it mean that God hasn't kept his promises?  How does confidence in God's definite, eternal plans change our perspective on what is going on around us at the moment?

Here is a prayer in response to today's text. You can pray this as your own or use it as a prompt for a spontaneous prayer.
     Eternal father, nothing is beyond your power. There are many things about this life that make me long for the day when all the nations seek your wisdom and instruction. I take comfort in knowing that you are bringing all things to a certain end and have made a place in your story for all who trust and follow Jesus. Thank you for the confidence I have because you have spoken clearly in your Word. Help me this day to lift up my eyes above whatever might cause doubt or discouragement to your promises. In the name of Jesus in whom all of your promises come true, Amen.

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